Architectural Cast Stone
The perfect accent, customized for your building
Westbrook Block proudly offers Cast Stone Solutions for all your masonry veneer systems. What better way to accent our beautiful architectural CMU than lintels, coping and keystones manufactured to our same high standards?
All our units are wet cast, commonly referred to as precast concrete, which is a plastic or pourable concrete, the viscosity of which can be measured by a slump test. The finish of wet cast are virtually unlimited, and can sustain structural characteristics. This conforms to the ASTM C1364 specifications.
The cast units are held indoors, overnight, in a climate-controlled environment and are stripped the next day. Test cylinders are made at the time of casting to ensure proper strength. Our units are tested to a minimum of 5,500 psi as indicated in our test reports. We offer full shop drawings for all your precast units, as well as engineering if needed.